Japanese Fashion Wikia

Onii Kei is a male substyle of gyaru fashion focused on adding more mature aspects to the classic style. It is the male counterpart to Onee Gyaru.

The Name[]

Onii Kei (お兄系) is a play on the Japanese term for older brother, describing an "older brother" version of the male gyaru style. [1] It is mostly worn by men in their 20s, as opposed to Gyaruo which is worn mainly by teens. [2] It is also often associated with Japanese male hosts in host clubs. [3]

Classic Style Basics[]

Onii kei can be considered a substyle of Amekaji. It is described as having Italian influence as well. The style is described as wild and sexy, as well as having a rocker and military look. [1][3]


Onii kei clothing centers around brand clothing. Those who wear the style usually do not wear over the top styles, instead their sense of style focused on flashy high-end fashion without being over-the-top. Additionally, those who wear the style mostly wear dark clothes. [3][4]

Suits, as well as other clothing items from high fashion brands, such as low-necked tank tops, imported jeans, and pointed leather shoes, are popular. Additionally, pieces with a more rugged influence are also popular, such as leather jackets. [5] Down jackets are also used. [2]


The classic onii kei hairstlyes is a large teased and shaggy look. This haircut is known as "wolf hair." [5] Bleached hair is also popular. [3]


Accessories from designer labels are commonly used in onii kei. For example, to complete their outfits some will use belts, waist pouches, watches, sunglasses, and other accessories from world-famous brands. [5] Silver accessories and leather shoes are also preferred. [2]

Modern Update[]

In recent years a new style of onii kei has emerged. This style follows the same trends of previous onii kei fashion, focusing on high end fashion brands and suits particularly. However, the style has received an update reflecting modern trends, more clost cut suits as opposed to a baggy look, and more casual hairstyles. [6][7]



Onii kei has a number of brands that support the style, including Japanese brands as well as international brands. Additionally, in 2006 an entire floor of Shibuya 109 was renovated to cater to the style. [2][5][8][9]

  • Boredom
  • Black Baccara
  • Black Gene
  • Buffalo Bobs
  • Christian Audigier
  • Diavlo
  • Dolce & Gabbana
  • Ed Hardy
  • Fuga
  • Gennaro
  • Growth
  • Jackrose
  • La Gate
  • Lovehunter
  • Louis Vuitton
  • Midas
  • Of The Neige Style
  • Redcover
  • Roar
  • Roen
  • Roshell
  • Sostenuto
  • Vanquish
  • Vice Fairy


A number of magazines catered to onii kei fashion during its height. [2]

  • Men's egg
  • Men's Digger
  • Men`S tiger
  • wolf Ash


External Links[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 "Onii-kei Fashion Style Subcultures In Japan Fashion." Online Fashion Magazine. July 2013. Retrieved September 12, 2020 from http://mybeautifulfashion.blogspot.com/2013/07/onii-kei-fashion-style-subcultures-in.html#.X1xsYWgzaMp
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 "お兄系 (Onii Kei - Translated Title)." Wikipedia. September 17, 2019. Retrieved September 12, 2020 from https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%81%8A%E5%85%84%E7%B3%BB
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 "A Guide to the Fashion Subcultures of Japan." Complex. February 2013. Retrieved September 12, 2020 from https://www.complex.com/style/2013/02/a-guide-to-japanese-fashion-subcultures/onii-kei
  4. "「お兄系ファッション」ってどんなファッション? (What is Onii Kei fashion? - Translated title)." Men's Fashion Plus. January 15, 2018. Retrieved September 12, 2020 fromhttps://mensfashion.cc/tips/system/47390/
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 "Shibuya Men Change Style." Trends in Japan. June 16, 2006. Retrieved September 12, 2020 from https://web-japan.org/trends/fashion/fas060616.html
  6. "【メンズ お兄系】スタイル別ファッションブランド・セレクトショップ一覧 ([Men's Onii Kei] A list of brands and shops - Translated Title)." High-Brands. N.d. Retrieved September 12, 2020 from https://high-brands.com/fashion-brand-style.php?mw=2&type=oni&pageID=2
  7. "お兄系、渋谷系、ビター系ファッションがまるわかり! (Onii Kei, Shibuya Kei, Understanding the fashion - Translated title)." Mens Fashion + Alpha. September 21, 2018. Retrieved September 12, 2020 from https://mensfashion-tomo.com/oniikeistyle.html
  8. "Expansion Revamp of Young Men’s Retail Shibuya 109-2 for the Onii-Kei Guy Indicates Growing Market for Rocker Looks Importance of Street Fashion -Label Networks’ Japan Data Reveals Top Stores for Young Men." Label Networks. September 22, 2008. Retrieved September 12, 2020 from http://www.labelnetworks.com/expansion-revamp-of-young-mens-retail-shibuya-109-2-for-the-onii-kei-guy-indicates-growing-market-for-rocker-looks-importance-of-street-fashion-label-networks-japan-data-reveals-top-stores-for/
  9. Tumblr Post. Harajuju. N.d. Retrieved September 12, 2020 from https://harajuju.tumblr.com/post/6947681312/japanese-gyaru-o-and-onii-kei-megastore-silver

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