Japanese Fashion Wikia

Kuro is a substyle of lolita that utilizes all-black coordinates.


Kuro lolita is closely tied to Gothic Lolita, and describes an offshoot of the style that is almost identical, save for its use of only black clothing and accessories. The name "kuro" (黒) means "black" in Japanese. No other colors are used in kuro lolita, save for different colors of hair. Some consider the style to simply be Gothic Lolita, and insist that the term "kuro" is unncessary. However, the term is widely used to this day. [1][2]


External Links

  1. "Kuro Lolita." Lolita Fashion Wiki. August 23, 2020. Retrieved August 26, 2020 from https://lolitafashion.fandom.com/wiki/Kuro_Lolita
  2. "What are styles?" The Lolita Guide Book. Retrieved August 26, 2020 from https://thelolitaguidebook.tumblr.com/styles