Japanese Fashion Wikia

B-Kei is a fashion inspired by the baggy street style worn by hip-hop artists. There's also B-Gyaru, which is derived from it but inactive nowadays.[1]

The Name[]

B系 is derived from the terms B-Girl and B-Boy, which are commonly used for members of the hip-hop community.

Style Basics[]

B-Kei mainly consists out of baggy clothes inspired by american hip-hop culture, but females styles conscious of the body exist as well. T-shirts and hoodies are always oversized and typically feature graffiti-like prints. There's many chunky gold chain accessories drawing attention to the wearer. Shoes are often high-cut sneakers and characteristic for the fashion.

Brands & Shops[]

  • Adidas
  • Bombshell
  • Nautika
  • Nike
  • Timberland
  • Tommy
  • Stüssy



  1. Japanese B-Gyaru Style. Mookychick. September 3, 2014. Retrieved August 21, 2020 from https://www.mookychick.co.uk/indie-fashion/japanese/japanese-b-girl-gyaru-style.php